Author Archives: Mussio Goodman

Am I Going to Receive an Inheritance?

Posted on by Mussio Goodman

When an individual passes away, anyone close to that individual will rightfully wonder if they are a beneficiary under the will We’ve all heard of stories where certain family members or friends refuse to provide information on whether or not there is a will, who the beneficiaries are under the will and/or what the estate […]

Court Awards Our Client $2.2 Million at Trial, Five Times More Than ICBC’s Offer

Posted on by Mussio Goodman

Mussio Goodman is pleased to announce our recent success in the BC Supreme Court, which resulted in a significant win for our client against ICBC. In McColl v. Sullivan, 2020 BCSC 137, Madam Justice Baker awarded our client $2.2 million dollars after a ten day trial. It is notable that our client wanted to move […]

Court Finds ICBC Doctor’s Evidence Biased and Unreliable

Posted on by Mussio Goodman

In a personal injury case, the court requires medical evidence to determine the extent of a claimant’s injuries. To this end, it is common for both ICBC and the claimant to hire independent medical experts to assess the claimant’s injuries. When considering the medical opinions of these experts, the court has a key requirement: objectivity. […]