“Diminished Home-Making Capacity” Results in Court Award of $20,000

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A Home-Maker Receives Compensation in Court for Loss of Capacity

A claimant may also be entitled to a court award for “diminished home-making capacity”, in addition to compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering, and treatment expenses.

This was the case in Savoie v. Williams, in which a Plaintiff suffered injuries to her back and neck in a motor vehicle accident. While her injuries caused her to miss a minimal amount of time from work, she struggled to perform her daily household activities following the incident.

ICBC insisted that there should be no award because there was no evidence that the Plaintiff was completely disabled from performing her household tasks.

The Court rejected ICBC’s argument, and awarded $20,000 under this particular head of damage, which follows:

[51] .…In this case, Ms. Savoie expended considerable energy, and took great pride, in maintaining her home and yard, in cooking, and in keeping vehicles clean…

[52] I agree with [ICBC] that Ms. Savoie can do some, perhaps a great deal, of what she could do before the accident. The fact remains that she is impaired in her ability to do those things she did previously without restriction. I find that as a result of the injuries she suffered in the accident that she is no longer the person described by her son as “super mom”…

[55] The plaintiff here led no evidence by which any of the household services can be valued, on either the replacement cost or opportunity cost approach… The plaintiff has not hired anyone to perform household tasks that she would have performed if not injured.

[56] I note that in Rezaei v. Piedade, the court accepted $15 per hour as a value of lost housekeeping capacity, partly because it had been used as a measure in earlier decisions, but also because it accorded with evidence in that case of what a witness paid for similar services..

[57] I find that Ms. Savoie was initially unable to perform some household tasks. I find that she has recovered some of her ability to do household tasks but with some difficulty and some adjustments to accommodate her changed physical abilities…

What this case shows is that an individual does not need to incur a monetary loss in the workplace in order to show a monetary loss at home.

It also indicates that the evidence from lay witnesses is a key component in proving a diminished home-making capacity claim. In this particular situation, the Plaintiff’s son was able to confirm the reduction in his mother’s ability to maintain the household post accident, which proved vital to the case.

Wes Mussio Featured in Lawyers Weekly

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Lawyers Weekly Recently Featured Mussio Goodman Lawyer

As previously discussed, injured claimants must take reasonable steps to restore themselves to their pre-accident condition, which includes following the advice of their doctors.

In the trial of Warner v. Cousins, the judge found that the Plaintiff failed to mitigate her damages and reduced the award as a result.

The decision was appealed to the Court of Appeal, the result of which was profiled along with our lawyer Wes Mussio’s views in the publication Lawyers Weekly.

The Court of Appeal found the trial judge made “overly specualtive assumptions” about the Plaintiff and failed to provide adequate reasoning in reducing the award. The result is that the trial judge’s decision was overturned and a new trial was ordered.

Asked to comment, Wes Mussio stated that the finding is consistent with recent case law, which has established a clear criteria for establishing a failure to mitigate:

The trial judge also has to set out exactly why there is a reduction, which she didn’t do.
Usually appeals are pretty tough to win but this sort of sets the boudaries that there’s some hope if the judge speculated or didn’t have evidence to support a certain assertion.
It’s a very helpful case, for sure – very plaintiff oriented.

Mussio Goodman Prevents ICBC Doctor Examination of Our Client

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The Supreme Court has prevented ICBC from Unfairly Examining Our Client

As previously discussed, there are two ways ICBC can compel an injured claimant to attend an examination by a doctor of ICBC’s choosing. The first is pursuant to a claim for Part VII or “no-fault” benefits, whereby a claimant is receiving reimbursement for treatment expenses or ongoing wage loss, regardless of who was at fault for the accident.

The second is in response to a tort claim; that is, after a plaintiff files a lawsuit against the other driver.

The law generally prevents ICBC from compelling a plaintiff to attend an examination by a doctor of the same specialty more than once. To do so would allow ICBC to “doctor shop”, or in other words, to send a claimant to, for instance, several orthopaedic surgeons until ICBC finally receives a medical report that serves their interests.

In Lee v. Ching, ICBC sought a court order to send our client to an examination with a second orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Sovio. ICBC argued that the first examination with orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Yu was only with respect to the no-fault benefits claim and not the lawsuit, and it therefore did not count towards the “one doctor per specialty” rule.

We argued that since Dr. Yu’s report had already comprehensively addressed the medical issues with respect to the lawsuit, a subsequent assessment with Dr. Sovio was not necessary to establish equality between the parties.

We further argued that Dr. Yu’s conclusions were substantially similar to that of our own expert, Dr. McGraw, and that while it’s unfortunate for ICBC that Dr. Yu’s opinions were not as helpful as ICBC would like, this is not a reason to order another assessment.

Master Baker of the Supreme Court accepted our submissions, dismissed ICBC’s application, and awarded costs in our favour.

Mussio Goodman Wins Third Consecutive WCB Tribunal Decision Against ICBC

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Mussio Goodman Wins Against ICBC in Court

As previously discussed, when an injured motorist first informs ICBC of the accident, one of the questions they may be asked is whether they were working at the time of the collision. The reason is, if both drivers involved in the accident were “workers” as defined by the Workers Compensation Act, there can be no injury claim against ICBC; rather, any compensation must be sought through WCB instead.

This is an unfavorable situation to the injured person, as the WCB regime does not provide any compensation for pain and suffering, and only limited reimbursement for lost wages.

Naturally, given the chance, ICBC will argue that a claimant was working, or performing some sort of work related activity, to avoid having to pay out. This was the situation in our recent case of Quillen v. Linnea.

In January 2011, our client was a subcontractor working construction for the defendant, a sole proprietor who was also an old friend. On the morning of the accident, our client agreed to meet the defendant outside his personal residence so they could travel to the jobsite together in one vehicle.

Our claim alleges that in the course of transferring his personal belongings from his own vehicle into the defendant’s truck, our client was run over by the defendant.

ICBC argued that our client should be prohibited from pursuing an injury claim because both he and the defendant were working at the time of the accident. In particular, ICBC submitted that our client attended the defendant’s residence at the direction of the employer, that the Defendant’s truck was a “crew bus”, and that transportation to the worksite was within the scope of our client’s employment.

On behalf of our client, Eric Goodman argued that our client’s longstanding friendship with the defendant must be considered. Our client did not rely on the defendant or his alleged “crew bus” for transportation to work, nor was it a part of the employment contract; rather, our client’s acceptance of rides in the truck was more akin to a carpooling arrangement between two friends who also happened to work together.

The WCAT tribunal agreed:

[67] In particular, I note [the defendant’s] answer to the questions about why he and the plaintiff would ride together in [the defendant’s] truck, since the plaintiff had his own vehicle. [The defendant] stated: “We were going to the same job.” This suggests an arrangement of convenience…

[68] In addition, the evidence does not support the defendants’ argument that the plaintiff reported to the meeting place at the defendant’s residence as a result of instructions from the defendant…

[69] I find that the evidence is more consistent with a ride-sharing or carpooling arrangement between workers than with the plaintiff reporting to an assembly area of the employer’s premises with the purpose of continuing to the work site in transportation provided or arranged by the employer.

With this result, our client is now entitled to pursue his ICBC claim for pain and suffering, lost wages and out-of-pocket expenses resulting from severe orthopedic injuries he sustained in the accident.

Client Awarded $204,000 and ICBC Penalized for Not Accepting First Offer

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Court Awards Our Client $204,000 For ICBC Blunder

As we recently announced, after our client rejected ICBC’s $25,000 offer, we proceeded to trial and were awarded $204,000 in the Supreme Court of British Columbia.

With any successful judgment, we were also awarded “costs”, which is essentially an award of additional money to compensate for the work performed over the course of the litigation and, in turn, a means to lighten the amount of legal fees the client has to pay.

In this case, the costs were prescribed at $14,000. However, litigation rules allow for a “double costs” penalty if a settlement offer was made before trial, the offer was not accepted, and the trial award exceeded the offer.

In our case, our client offered to settle for $125,000 before trial. ICBC rejected this offer and refused to budge from $25,000.

At the costs hearing, ICBC argued that our client’s offer should not have been reasonably accepted, and therefore the additional costs penalty would not be appropriate.

The Court rejected ICBC’s argument as follows:

[9]             The plaintiff offered to settle both actions for $125,000 on October 1, 2012. The offer expired on Friday November 23, 2012 before the beginning of trial on November 27, 2012. The plaintiff argues that the conduct of the defendants in taking an unrealistic negotiating stance and the failure of the defendants to accept a reasonable offer entitles the plaintiff to double costs.

[29]         In my view, the plaintiff’s offer was reasonable at the time it was made and ought to have been accepted. I have a discretion to award double costs from the time of the offer. In exercising that discretion and to avoid the need to calculate tariff items and to avoid an assessment, I fix the costs, apart from disbursements, for both actions at $24,000.00.

This case underscores the risk of taking a hardline negotiating approach in the face of a reasonable offer to settle. If ICBC’s intention is indeed to keep costs down, it would behoove them to play less hardball and avoid these penalties at trial.

It should be noted that every case is different, and that past performance is no guarantee of future results. It should also be noted that very few injury claims require a resolution in a courtroom; in the vast majority of cases, we are able to negotiate a fair settlement with ICBC on behalf of our clients. However, in the event ICBC refuses to make a reasonable offer, we are always prepared to take the case to trial.

Court Finds Bus Driver Liable for Our Client’s Injuries

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Mussio Goodman was Successful in Supreme Court of British Columbia for Liability of Bus Driver

We are pleased to announce that the Supreme Court of British Columbia has found the defendant bus driver liable for our client’s broken ankle and shoulder.

In this case, our client was attempting to catch a bus which was stopped at s bus stop. He ran towards the bus, approaching from its front and waving his hand in an attempt to get the bus driver’s attention.

The bus driver admitted to having seen our client running towards the bus; nevertheless, the bus driver closed the bus door and pulled away from the stop just as our client was within reach of the vehicle. The moving bus collided with our client’s hand as he waved from the curb, causing him to fall under the wheels of the bus.

The bus driver argued that he had a strict policy to close the doors and pull way from the stop even if the pedestrian is one foot away from the vehicle.

Accordingly, while attributing some fault on the pedestrian for running towards a moving vehicle,  the Court also found that the bus driver, Mr. Cooper, was careless in departing given the proximity of the would-be passenger:

[66]         The analysis then turns to whether Mr. Cooper failed to meet the standard of care of what would be expected of a reasonably prudent bus driver in the circumstances. This questions turns on whether it was reasonable for Mr. Cooper, in compliance with what he understood company policy to be, to simply close the doors of the bus and accelerate away from the bus stop notwithstanding Mr. Heyman’s approach.

 [68]         …Mr. Cooper’s conduct is not to be measured against a general policy, but rather must be considered in light of the circumstances that presented at the time. As noted by Madam Justice Rowles in Wang, the question is whether there was a real risk of harm that could reasonably be avoided.

[69]         In my view, Mr. Heyman approaching the bus in an awkward run waving his arms in the air with a view to getting the driver’s attention and hopefully having the bus stop so he could board, presented a real risk of harm. I note in particular the fact, as pointed out by counsel for the defendants, that the road on which the bus was situated was quite narrow, in fact not much wider than the bus itself. That put the bus in close proximity to pedestrians on the adjacent sidewalk and heightened the need for vigilance on Mr. Cooper’s part. Again, that is particularly so given the manner in which Mr. Heyman was approaching…

It should be noted that every case is different, and that past performance is no guarantee of future results.

It should also be noted that very few injury claims require a resolution in a courtroom; in the vast majority of cases, we are able to negotiate a fair settlement with ICBC on behalf of our clients. However, in the event ICBC refuses to make a reasonable offer, we are always prepared to take the case to trial.